Monday, September 30, 2013

So You're Wondering What We Do In Class....

     September's class schedule was bit off our norm, as we had our first airline interviews and 
recruiting event first thing Tuesday morning.    This meant we needed to work late Monday prepping.  We started at noon with introductions, class rules, and interviewing basics.  Once the instructors completed their introductions, we went around the room and heard from each of the students.

Lisa Maile arrived mid afternoon, to begin helping us hone our skills.  She is the best!  She is a true professional and we REALLY enjoyed her!

On Tuesday, we had our first airline interviews, which took most of the day!  Thank You Republic Airways for the one on one interviews!

On Wednesday, we learned some self defense and situational awareness, had some etiquette fun with Connie, did some test prep, worked on our One Minutes, and practiced interview skills.

On Thursday, we started the morning with another airline here recruiting.  Thank you Cindy & Roger from PSA! Roger has a great sense of humor and made our interviews FUN!  We all loved what we heard, and are filled with anticipation as we hope to get selected for training by PSA!

In the afternoon, we had YET ANOTHER airline here!  JetBlue came and told us all about their company, and what we need to do to get hired.  We were very happy to learn that Flight Attendant Express and JetBlue are business partners, and what that means for us! Thank you JetBlue!

On Friday, we got up early and headed for JetBlue University!  Here we were able to have a hands on experience with the cabin trainers.  We sat in the jumpseats, and did announcements over the PA, and practiced the safety demo.  Then we did a ditching simulation exercise and practiced our evacuations!! 

After our FAA Approved Safety Training at JetBlue University, we went back to the classroom. We did a few more classroom exercises, and ended with Graduation.  Since everyone passed, we were all very excited!  There were prizes and cake and pictures!  There was also a little bit of sadness, as we have had the most memorable week here at FAE, and have made lifelong friends!

Come Join Us!