Thursday, September 12, 2013

So You Want to be a Flight Attendant....

If you are like most of us, you have wanted to be a flight attendant for as long as you can remember.  Something about the glamour associated with this career appeals to you.  You probably love people, have tons of customer service experience, and love to travel.  It might surprise you to know that,  that just isn't enough.

If you're here, then you either are already a flight attendant, or you are thinking of becoming one. You might even have been doing some research and you came across this blog (or our website, or our Facebook page, or our Pinterest site, or our Flickr site, or our Twitter account, you get the idea.  Oh!  And if you haven't come across them, by all means, check them out.  I linked them for your convenience!).

If you've been talking to people about this idea of yours, then you are probably hearing three things:  

1) Are you crazy? Why on earth would you want to do THAT?  
2) You don't need to go to school for that.  Those schools are a scam.  
3)  You'll do better if you go to school for that.

Let me start at the beginning.  

1)  First of all, if you are considering this career, then you probably are just a little crazy :)  I'm not qualified to help you with that one!

2)  It IS TRUE that special schooling is not REQUIRED for this job, and while I can't speak for every college, university, school, trade school, or program out there, I can tell you with absolute certainty, that the majority of these programs are completely legitimate ~ ours included.  As a matter of fact, I have yet to run into one that is a scam.

I should also mention that many of these schools teach other things not required to become a flight attendant. They will teach you ticketing and reservations and cruise bookings and weather and travel agency procedures.  Seriously now, how many people do you know that still use a travel agency?  Travel Agencies are like polar bears - an endangered species.  Inexpensive self travel booking sites on the web have put these gems out of business.  These schools will tell you that you need these skills in case you get furloughed (laid off) and then you can just go work the gate/ramp/ticket counter/whatever.  THAT IS NOT TRUE.  Your airline is NOT going to find you another position.  Don't pay for a bunch of stuff you don't need and will never use.

The other common thing we hear is this one:  

"My Aunt's, friends's, cousin's, sister's, best friend's, girlfriend used to be a flight attendant for PanAm/Eastern/Mohawk/Alleghany/TWA/extinctairlineofyourchoice and she says I don't need to have any training, I can just go and get hired".  

Listen ~ if you want to put all your faith in what some retired old trolley dolley from an airline that no longer flies because they went bankrupt's word, then that's your business.  But it just isn't like it used to be.  There aren't any meals or free drinks anymore either. So you decide.  And deep down, you must not really believe her because you are calling me anyway :)  AND on the off chance that this person is still a working flight attendant, they DON'T WORK IN THE RECRUITING DEPARTMENT. *sigh*

3)  Just like ANY OTHER PROFESSION, you will do better if you prepare yourself for this career.  Flight Attendant jobs are highly coveted and highly competitive.  You have to be the cream of the crop to get the job.  I once attended a Delta Airlines face to face interview (this was round three, I had already passed two separate phone interviews) and I was told by the recruiters that they had had OVER 100,000 applicants for 700 jobs.  Do the math. LESS THAN ONE PERCENT of all applicants actually get hired.

So now, realistically, how likely are YOU to be the needle in the haystack?  Would you do better with some education?  Of course you would.  That's not rocket science, that just common sense.  Now, for the real question....


So bad you can taste it?
Bad enough to improve your chances by 90%? 
Bad enough to do whatever it takes?  

Do yourself a favor, research the NUMBER ONE Flight Attendant Training and Placement Program in the country.  Go to our website.  Fill out the form and get the information.  Talk to our admissions department.  Ask the questions.  Get the answers.  Visit our Facebook page and see what our students say.  Take the course. Get the job of your dreams.  It really is that easy.

And if you don't want to wait - call our admissions team now:

Nancy ~ 321-663-4512   ~ or ~  Dara ~ 407-234-9675  ~ or~   Terri ~ 407-625-4976

Please keep in mind that all of our instructors are current Flight Attendants, so if we don't answer, please leave a message so we can call you back.  Thanks!  and have a pleasant flight!

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