What is so difficult about this? Why the constant confusion? Who plants these seeds? Where does the confusion lie? How do we clear this up? When will we ever learn? (there's a song in there somewhere! Ut-oh - showing my age).
I hear a lot of things on the phones, and one of the biggies is this: "I have been looking at other schools and they say _______________________________(fill in the blank) about your program." Firstly, let me just say this: we DO NOT talk about other schools by name. We are NOT a school. We ARE an industry specific professional training and placement program -
a training and placement program.
(can you hear me now?)
(if I had the ability to make this statement flash, I surely would)
We are quick to point out the differences between us, that's for sure, but we do not call out by name. Professional and respectful - that's what we are (blog sarcasm aside).(if I had the ability to make this statement flash, I surely would)
We are apples and oranges people. APPLES. AND. ORANGES. We are the only program in the country that is owned and operated by Flight Attendants; CURRENT Flight Attendants. There are other programs out there, yes. One is owned and run by pilots. Let me tell you something - pilots don't know squat about being a flight attendant. And that goes both ways mind you - I don't know squat about being a pilot either. I have no more business teaching pilots how to fly planes than pilots have teaching me how to run my cabin. So why would you go there? They don't even do that in the movies. Ask Mike or Gwenyth. :)
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I do know that the schools put us down because we are not a school. That's just ridiculous. Do you put down Apple because they teach "Learn how to operate your ipad courses?" NO. First of all, you don't need a school to become a flight attendant. Not only that, but you don't need all the travel agency stuff they teach you either. I KNOW what they teach. And I don't need to know ticketing, reservations, weather, or how to book a cruise, in order to be a flight attendant. These schools will tell you that you should learn all this stuff in case you get furloughed (laid off) so that you can just slide over and work the counter at your airline. That is simply NOT TRUE. Airlines don't do it that way. They will not reposition you to another department. So why would you PAY an enormous sum to learn a bunch of stuff you don't need? And spend months learning it when you could spend ONE WEEK with us, and already be flying for crying out loud? And don't you want to learn CURRENT industry standards? These schools are employing retired flight attendants to teach their programs. Most of these retirees haven't worked in 10 years or more. Their knowledge is outdated. They are behind the times. Well let me tell you something else, this industry isn't what it used to be. But you already knew that didn't you? You already knew that flying today is like taking the bus (with wings).
There are no frills, no free lunches, and hardly even any peanuts anymore. Some airlines even charge for overhead bin space and are talking about charging you to use the toilet. And have you seen what people wear??? I digress.
One of the travel schools was all excited recently because they had ONE airline come to their school, to their 4 & 8 & 12 week school, to do a presentation. This airline was not recruiting. They were just talking about their airline. Yeah? SO WHAT? We had THREE AIRLINES come to our ONE WEEK program and ALL THREE WERE ACTIVELY RECRUITING FROM OUR CLASS. On top of that, we ALSO had airlines doing presentations. So don't get so excited that the travel school had one airline do a presentation. Come to the program that does active recruiting instead.
And another thing - NO, we do not offer financial aid. WHY NOT? Because we are not a school!! Because we don't need to. Because we are affordable. Because we are a placement program too. Because we have an interest free payment plan. So what does your tuition get you with us? It teaches you a thorough understanding of the industry and the job. It includes your Four Star hotel stay. It includes your safety training at JetBlue. It includes the airlines we bring to you to actively recruit. It includes LIFETIME PLACEMENT ASSISTANCE. You think we charge too much? Call them and ask what they charge. We're a bargain and a half compared to them.
Oh! There's another one! "Do you guarantee me a job?" (Are you for real? Did you just ask me that? Do you hear yourself? Seriously?) When you attend the local community college and take a typing course, does the college guarantee you a secretarial career? When you go down to the temp agency to look for work, do they guarantee that they will find you a position? When you call the travel schools and tell them you want to be the Cruise Director on the Love Boat, do they guarantee that they will get you Julie's job? (I'm sure they are BFF's with Captain Stubing and will just call him on your behalf. Check out Julie's expression. Even she knows I'm right).
If you want to be a travel agent, or a ticket agent, or a gate agent, or a baggage handler, or a cruise director, or, well, nevermind. You get the idea. The point is, that if your life's goal is to become one of those things, then WE CANNOT HELP YOU. PLEEEEEEEZE call the travel school. ( I was going to insert a picture of a travel agency here, but I couldn't find one. Maybe that has something to do with the fact that there are so few in existence anymore. When is the last time you saw one? Or USED one?? See what I mean? Imagine a picture of a dinosaur instead).
HOWEVER, if your hearts desire is to become a Flight Attendant, then you NEED to come to us. We are the NUMBER ONE program in the country. We train and place more flight attendants than all the other schools in the country combined. We are the absolute BEST at what we do. If you want the highest chances at successfully becoming a flight attendant, call us. We are the first, the original, the only, and the best. If you are willing to spend months, learn a bunch of outdated and useless to becoming a flight attendant information, and you want to pay 3, 4, or 5 times the cost, then by all means - call the travel agency school.
If becoming a Flight Attendant is your dream, your passion, or your life's goal, then you owe it to yourself to do it the right way. Don't waste your time and your money on a travel school. Don't go there first, figure it out the hard way, and then (like so many others) come to us anyway. Cut out the middle mistake and come to us first. We should be your first stop. Call for reservations. Now Boarding. Next stop, the world.
Do not make me put any trivial disclaimers on here about Stewardesses not being PC. In their day, these women were classy, smart, sophisticated, and well educated. I could go on...but you've probably had enough sarcasm for one day...
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